Assisting Customers

As part of providing our customers, and all Victorians, with quality revenue management services, we are committed to making it easier for people to understand and comply with the legislation we administer.

We believe most of our customers comply with their obligations if they are aware of them, which means our emphasis is always on providing timely advice, education, assistance and information.

Our technical experts strive to ensure that the complexities of the legislation we administer are clearly communicated across numerous channels to general and specific audiences, and on a one-to- one basis.

In 2018-19, our Customer Contact Centre received 370,623 phone calls and managed 57,272 emails requesting assistance, actioning 95% of them within 1-5 business days.

Customer education

In 2018-19, we welcomed 6028 people to webinars and 3596 to seminars.

In a busy year, our expert staff:

  • Held 155 webinars and 77 face-to-face seminars.
  • Added 20 new videos to our website, attracting nearly 17,000 views.

Customers can register to attend scheduled webinars or watch recordings.

Private rulings

Where customers identify a tax technical or legislative issue making them uncertain of their liability, we assist them by issuing private rulings.

In 2018-19, we issued 1550 private ruling and exemption decisions, with 89% completed within 90 days.

Our private rulings are in addition to our public rulings, which we issue and publish as needed on our website, to clarify how we interpret a particular law.

These public rulings:

  • Represent our interpretation of a particular provision.
  • Explain our current policies, guidelines and practices.
  • Answer complex, commonly asked questions.
370,623 phone calls received in 2018-19
376,366 phone calls received in 2017-18
57,272 emails received in 2018-19
95% emails actioned in 1 to 5 business days in 2018-19