Our greatest strength is our workforce so we aim to recruit and retain the most capable and talented people, and to provide an environment where they can thrive.
We work hard, in partnership with our staff, to provide a safe, respectful, high performing and enjoyable workplace.
Our staff are skilled in their chosen field and their professional learning is linked to our strategic objectives that deliver efficient revenue management services for all Victorians.
In 2018-19, we employed 574 (546 full-time equivalent) people. Of the 40 new recruits who started working with us, the majority, 24, came from the private sector.
On average, people stay with us for 12.5 years, with more than 51.5% of our workforce staying 10 or more years compared to 27.4% in the Victorian Public Service (based on 2017-18 Victorian Public Sector Commission figures).
Developing and nurturing staff through our comprehensive health, wellbeing and engagement initiatives assists in maintaining consistently low voluntary turnover rates; 3% compared with 12% for the Victorian Public Service as a whole.
Learning and development
We foster an agile culture of continuous improvement, leadership and learning that gives staff the professional development to meet new challenges.
We offer a range of career development programs and in 2018-19 provided 436 internal job opportunities, up from 330 the year before, to existing staff via promotions, transfers and higher duties.
In 2018-19, we:
- Provided 3.14 days of training for each full-time staff member (excluding training from some online platforms).
- Delivered 100% of the training requested in staff development plans.
We also provided significant leadership and professional development programs, such as those contributing to continuing professional development training hours for accountants and lawyers.
Health and safety
Our strong record in workplace health and safety continues, with only two lost time injuries (our first since April 2017) in 2018-19, resulting in a total of 66.47 days lost. Our WorkCover claim rate is 0.26, which is 32% better than our industry’s average.